Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I don't know what it is about today, but I just keep thinking about my family. My patient Dad, my crazy mom, my always-have-it-all-together oldest sister, my athletic older brother, my peace maker older sister, my sensitive but protective little brother, and my out going little sister.
I had a dream the other night. We are all sitting around a table, having family counsel. (we used to call it family fight night when we were little. LOL, we really thought we were funny.) It was my mom and dad, all my siblings and all our spouses. My Dad was at the head of the table telling us all how much he loved us and that we all needed to make sure that we were working on getting back to him. He than took each couple aside separately and gave us advice on how to make our families stronger.
I am so grateful that our Father In Heaven has given us a plan to be together forever. All we have to do is the best we can, and we will be together. Sometimes our best really is close to perfect, but most of the time, its no where close. That is what Christ gave us. He already made the difference up between being perfect and what we really are, so that we ALL have the chance to be together forever.
These are my thoughts today as I work on getting ready to move. I am also thinking about Brent's side of the family and how we are going to be together again soon! Kieth and Hariella get home next week!! I can't believe its already been 18 months. I truly do love ALL my family. My siblings, my in-laws, my aunts and uncles, cousins,  friends, etc...  I love you all!!


Cathy said...

Thank you Emma. I love you

Cathy said...

Thank you Emma, I love you.

Cathy said...

thank you Emma, I love you