Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sad Days

Well, last week I was SO sick I literally could barely get out of bed. I had the flu(couldn't even keep a tsp of water down!), a fever of 103, strep throat, sinus infection, and an ear infection!! I WAS SICK!! So obviously Maibel's hair was horrendous!! By the time I was able to actually do something about it, it took me two hours to brush all the knots out. It was bad. Than on Sunday morning, we were late to church because she would not let me get her hair done. I finally told her she would have to go without her hair done. We park and she freaks out because she does not want to go in with out her hair done. So Brent went in and I sat in the car, trying to do SOMETHING with her hair. She ended up with a bun that was FULL of knots. I just have this thing about her hair. If we are going anywhere, it has to be brushed out and done! I love doing her hair and I just feel it needs to always be done. It was a very low point in our hair life. :( So, we decided it was time to cut her hair. I know! I can literally hear the gasps as you all read this. I want her long hair, she wants her long hair, but I don't want it to be a struggle every single day over something as small as brushing her hair. I would rather save my patience for things that are more important-like struggling over getting her to eat anything other than pizza, or putting a coat on when its literally 20 outside. You get the point. So off it came! I wasn't going to cut it so short but we decided we might as well donate it. I thought the length to donate was 12" apparently its only 10". Oh well. They get two extra inches. She was very excited about it. My hands were shaking like crazy while I was starting to cut it. We got it all cut and than it took her another half hour to look in the mirror because she was so nervous! She is SO funny! It's done, it's short, and it's SO easy to do. I did cry but it will grow out and more importantly, Maibel is happier


Ash said...

I think it's so freakin cute!!

Mrs. Wright said...

Ems, looks so darling on her! She does look so grown up with the new look. Glad you are feeling better.

Cathy said...

It is just so cute!!!!

Melissa said...

I think you did a great job!

Stephanie Córdova said...

Her hair looks so cute on her! You reminded me of a time when I was in preschool and my mom did my hair in braided pigtails and for some reason that day, I hated it. She made me go to school that day with my hair like that and I was in tears. Well, it was just my lucky day and right when my dad was about to drop me off, we found out that there was no preschool that day! Hope you guys are doing well, we should definitely get together sometime! I would love to watch Twilight again w/ you!

Kari said...

Aw, it looks really cute, and she looks so grown up! The hair and the ears, she is a little lady now:(

Kera B said...

Oh it looks great!!! Both my girls were looking at your blog with me and Jos said that "Maple has hair like me!" It's so cute and honestly I was expecting it to be shorter! She'll love it in the summer! Ella is counting down till we cut her's.

Jenny C said...

It's really cute! She looks so grown up:)