Thursday, August 27, 2009

So on our way home from my soccer game I saw a dresser in front of someones house and told Brent to pull over. I went and asked them if they were getting rid of it and they gave it to me for FREE!! (I know, I'm turing into my Dad. I can't tell you how many times I had to go ask people if they were selling their car!) Anyway, Brent spray painted it white and I just thought it needed something else, so I decided to use some scrapbook paper and voila. I am actually pretty happy with how it turned out and now Maibel finally has a dresser!


Liz Odle said...

Very impressive!!!

Unknown said...

Super duper cute.

Gina said...

very cute, Em! Thanks again for your help the other day!

Sande said...

Wow, Emma, you have quite a talent there! It's beautiful! And THANKS from me too, for ALL you help--with signing pages, picking up the cake, and even Brent going for the citronella1 What would have done without you guys?!

Sande said...

Wow, Emma, you have quite a talent there! It's beautiful! And THANKS from me too, for ALL you help--with signing pages, picking up the cake, and even Brent going for the citronella1 What would have done without you guys?!

Courtney said...

I think it looks great! How did you make it look so good? Did you add a sealant on top of the paper?