Thursday, June 18, 2009


Do you ever have those times when you just feel terrible? That's me right now. I have been sick with the flu and I really thinks its just plan sent me over the edge! I am so sick of being sick (I seem to catch EVERYTHING that is even considering going around), I hate my job, Mai is for sale most days right now, I am eating like crap, haven't been working on my spirituality, etc.... Needless to say, I am really struggling right now. I don't know why I am, but the fact is, I am. And than today I was on the computer, avoiding starting my day, and I started reading a popular blog I like to read. It's called It is a blog by a girl who is the mother of four, married, and is very entertaining. She started blogging to stay in touch with her family and now has one of the most popular blogs. She has a VERY positive outlook on life and I really enjoy reading about her life. Well, about ten months ago, her and her husband were in a near fatal plane crash. Over 80% of her body was burnt, but her and her husband survived. She is now home, but quite obviously, is dealing with a lot of change and pain. She was updating us on her latest appointment to see her burn doctor and said her doctor told her "and this too shall pass." and she wanted to slap her doctor for saying such a thing. But than she continues to say that she must have needed to hear that because she keep thinking about it all day. WOW. I don't know why that has hit me so hard today, but I can't seem to get it out of my head. I feel like I was truly inspired to read that this morning. If she can have that attitude, than I can have that attitude.  I kept telling myself I needed to figure out why I have been having such a hard time lately but than I realized, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter WHY I am struggling, it only matters that I try to better myself everyday. (something I have most definitely not been doing.) I don't always need an answer, sometimes I just need to get out of bed. I should already know all this, but it has just really hit me hard again. The Lord has such a good way of patiently reminding us what we should be doing. Kinda embarrassing for me to admit all of this, but I really wanted to share it. What a great example she is! What a wonderful, loving Father in Heaven we have!


jacobsclan said...

I hope you dont mind that I read your blog. I just want to say thank you for that post it was a beautiful post. It helped me more that you will ever know. I am sorry that things are hard right know. I hope you know I think about you all the time. I will keep you in my prayers to keep strength and as you say to get out of bed. Thanks for always being an example to me. Susan FRANSON Jacobs

Sande said...

Great post, Emma. We have ALL had times like that. Thanks for reminding us all that we can pick ourselves up and get going!

Mrs. Wright said...

Thanks for this post Emma. You are such a sweetheart! It helps me to know you better. I hope you are feeling better. If you ever need us to babysit Mai why you have some time to yourself - we'd be happy to help.