Last night, when I was tucking her in, I read her a story from the Friend and it was about a boy who had to start in a new school and he didn't have any friends. Some kids were not very nice to him and I started crying thinking about Mai having kids not be nice to her!! But the little boy went home and told his mom he had no friends so they decided to start praying about it. They prayed for a long time and eventually the little boy had made lots of friends. But after the story, when Maibel was saying her prayers, she prayed that she could find someone at school who didn't have any friends and she could be their friend. So sweet!
She was so excited that she woke up at 4 a.m. and told me she couldn't sleep anymore. We had her outfit all picked out yesterday and waiting for her this morning on the foot of her bed. Her backpack was packed and waiting by the front door. We even had her hair bows picked out and waiting by the brush and comb in the bathroom. I made my mom walk with me to drop her off so that I didn't have to do it alone. We walked to school and they had a little red carpet set up for for the kids to walk up to the door on. Then they got to say their name into a microphone and go on in the school. We have quite a few kids from our ward in her class so that was good. We got her name tag on her, found her cubby and put her backpack in it and then she sat with her class and I left. It was kinda sad!!